PB Eating: Imagine my disappointment.
Recently on FaceBook, a good friend of ours began boasting about her health.
No wait. Did I write "boasting? Sorry! I meant to write, posting.
I didn’t mean to imply I was jealous of how healthy and thin she looked in the FB picture (where is that auto spellcheck?)
Anyway, she began posting (not boasting! heh heh…) about how she loved eating “PB” and all the delicious recipes for “PB.” I thought, Hey cool. I would LOVE more fascinating ways you can use peanut butter to melt off the pounds.
Turns out “PB” means, “Plant-Based.”
Not gonna lie. I was a leeetle disappointed when I realized that.
Nevertheless, my wife Heidi & I decided to look into it. And we decided to try a 22-Day Challenge to eat only PB.
So what does “plant based eating” mean?
Once you get past the terrible tease of all peanut butter, all the time, it’s pretty obvious that we’re talking about eating plants instead of animals. Eating plants instead of foods that are processed in a laboratory (as Michael Pollan says, Eating food from a plant, not made in a plant.)
It’s also mostly vegetables, with a few fruits thrown in. But I’ll be honest. I’m seeing a lot of green stuff. A lot of green stuff.
So. Why am I doing this?
It’s simple. I weigh too much. Too. Much.
I’m doing this to lose weight.
Oh sure, I want to be healthier, live longer, blah blah blah.
But the driving force behind all this is to drop pounds.
What was the “Hit bottom” moment for me?
Recently, we returned from a wonderful month on the road out west. Now back home, I began to pack for a training workshop I was leading. And I realized I could only fit into one of my dress pants.
One pair, dude.
That was a very painful evening, let me tell you. I guess the bright side is I didn’t just pack the pants! Wouldn’t that have been an awkward first morning in front of the class?
There are a few other reasons, which I’ll write about in the near future. But, I’m being honest. It’s firstly pounds I seek to lose, not health I seek to gain.
Why am I writing a blog?
Because I need your help, friend-of-mine. I know I’ll do better if I know you’re reading along with me. I’ll think twice before I cheat. But if I do cheat, you’ll be the first to know. I’ll write about it here.
My goal is to lose at least 7 pounds. I like to make reasonable goals. But I hope to lose more.
My promises to you, Dear Reader:
Honesty. I’m skeptical by nature. I’ll call “BS” on “PB” whenever I see it. I promise you.
Fun. Words worth reading; and not too long, either.
Knowledge. You’ll learn what we learn.
An opportunity to get “closer to losing weight” for YOU, every day, if you want to try.
The best news of all?
Peanut butter is Plant based. PB IS PB!
There’s hope for me yet.
Onward to the 22-Day PB Challenge!
Something you can do right now:
Do it with us!
We’re using this book: 22-Day Revolution
Not because we did a lot of research; because Heidi found it in our local library (and a Forward by Beyonce? Come on!)
Try one PB day. Or, one PB meal (heck, I guess it could be all peanut butter….)
Leave a comment and encourage us. We’ll take all the help we can get!