Day 15: Two weeks in (& my weight)
TWO Whole weeks on Whole Foods. And…
As we began this thing, we read a number of promises regarding eating PB. How do these promises compare to my real (skeptical) life? Let’s do a quick review.
And, see if I lost any more weight.
My Reality…(so far)
I’ve got 14 days under my belt now (actually, 15). How are the PB promises holding up?
Waking up refreshed and with energy?
May be a leeetle bit easier getting out of bed.
Better sleep?
I’d have to say, Yes. I am sleeping better.
Increased stamina and focus?
Not crazy different, but, yes, I do have more energy.
A more positive outlook on life?
Yes. It’s a very good feeling knowing you’re doing your best to be healthy. Very.
Enjoying the food itself?
Yes. I honestly believe PB will never replace my love affair with “the other stuff.” But, I have enjoyed most of the food. No complaints. And I don’t know yet if PB is enough, long term.
Health improvements?
This is a long-term benefit that one can’t see in 15 days. But, there is no doubt in my mind it is better to eat like this. I believe it will make me healthier long term.
Weight loss?
See below.
Random thoughts on PB (so far)
Grilled sweet potatoes. Awesome! One of my favorites.
I feel more positive about eating Plant-based after TWO weeks, not less. More positive…but more challenged to keep it going.
Hungry? I’m learning that it’s OK to feel a little hungry. No one’s gonna die here.
OK. But do you feel any different, Mike?
This is NOT some new drug here. I feel better, but I’m not dancing in the streets. It’s certainly gotten harder, since the newness has worn off.
Heidi says it still takes a big time commitment. No matter what the recipe, there’s a lot of chopping, slicing, dicing.
No doubt: Eating PB is a big time & discipline commitment.
Blah blah blah, Mike. What about your weight?
I said my primary goal for doing this wasn’t energy, or health, or saving the earth. It was losing weight.
I said if I lost seven pounds during the 22 days, I’d consider it a success.
Drumroll, please
As a reminder, here’s the (embarrassing) dust-covered scale results when I began, 14 days ago:
And here’s the scale after day seven:
And here’s the scale this morning, 15 days in:
I’ve lost 8 pounds in week 1. I lost 4.5 pounds in week 2 (actually 8 days).
But. Can I keep losing weight? Will I gain more energy? Will I ever learn to like Kale? (That’s a big “No” so far.)
Stay tuned. On to the Final Week!
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Something you can do right now:
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Consider trying just one day of eating only plants. See what you think.