Zack Vayda and Real Deep Funk

I'm in a terrible mood. 

I didn't have a particularly bad day, I didn't have anything bad happen to me, I got plenty of sleep last night (and plenty of coffee today) and I'm still in a terrible mood. 

I've been very ornery too, because very small things seem to push me over the edge. I'd have an annoying customer or I'd have to do something that wasn't on the schedule to do, and it would really get to me. Sure those things would annoy me any day of the week, but I'd get over it pretty quick and move on. That was not the case today.

I've also been really tired. Not tired as in I want to sleep, but tired as in I don't want to do anything, I don't want to get anything done. Every task seems insurmountable and each hour seems daunting. 

I can really tell I'm in a funk today because nothing sounds exciting. Normally the idea of getting home, putting on comfy clothes, getting dinner or reading a good book is something to look forward to; it's how I get through most of my bad days. But there are certain days (like today) that nothing is worth looking forward to. I could have plans to go to Disney World and even that wouldn't spark an emotion from me. It's a particularly difficult emotion to deal with because if I'm not where I want to be or doing the thing I want to be doing in the present moment, something in the future, something I'm looking forward to is what gets me by. So when even that is taken from me, I'm at a pretty low point. 

The one silver lining with getting to this low point is that I can recognize it as a low point. If I can think about how I'm going to Italy in a little over a month and I don't feel anything, then that means I'm in a funk. Once I realize that, I can tell myself that it's not that Italy all of a sudden is less of a cool place to go, it means it's something on my end. And if its something on my end, chances are it'll pass.

Normally I'd use this funk as an excuse to slack off and not exercise or complete any of my other habits, but people way smarter than me have told me habits are best for getting you out of funks like this. So even though I reeeaaallllly didn't want to, I forced myself to exercise, to learn something new, to read and to write a blog.

Here's to hoping they're right. 
