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Of Babies and Kardashian Bottoms

(NOTE: I wrote this a few years ago during a trip to India. I had just witnessed our friend Wendy save a baby from dying. The little girl was not breathing…and Wendy saved her. I was there, filming it all as it happened. That experience prompted some thoughts, which are here. I think they are still appropriate for you today.)

It’s Sunday morning in Fatehpur, India. Just me and my Chai.

As our time winds down, I think it’s a good opportunity to write something more personal. I’ve posted about the project (and thank you for reading them,) but I want this one to be about me, India, and the ongoing struggle to live life on purpose.

Watching Wendy bring that baby back to life has stuck with me. She’s still in the nursery (the baby), recovering and getting stronger. And Wendy just left for the nursery, to tend to the little one. Who knows what that tiny girl’s life will be? She has one—a life—because of Wendy.

Wendy saves lives. And what did you do today?


I know you think I’m trying to guilt trip you, asking you to compare your output to Wendy's, who, you know, saves lives.

But mostly I’m wondering how I can live MY life with more output of value. And how hard it is to even think about questions like that.

It’s been an interesting juxtaposition while here in India. Outside my door, I’ve got Muslims being called to prayer (loudly and vigorously); I hear the Chaiwallah yelling, “Tea for sale"; I see a woman wistfully walking on a wall; I’ve got wild dogs snarling in the dust; packs of roving monkeys clomping their razor sharp talons onto my roof (Planet of the Apes is coming. Trust me.) And in the hospital there is suffering and healing and death and life.

And then I go on Facebook and the trending headline is the rear end of one of the Kardashians.

Apparently, this is the priority in the Western world:

The bottoms of Kardashiiai.

All of our technology. All our collective brainpower, our incredible creativity and strength and wealth. All the potential! And we spend our days leering at the asses of strangers.

There’s nothing wrong with bottoms. But we were meant for More. You know that, right? I know for a fact that we’re capable of more, that we can do better, higher things.

But the terrifying fact is, if you want to live life more deeply, you’re on your own. No one ‘in charge’ is going to help you live a life on purpose. Instead, they offer you Distraction.

So on the one hand you have babies dying. On the other, Kardashian bottoms. What’s a Westerner to do?

(Does this resonate with you? Strike a chord at all? Please tell me it does.)

Here are three things to do,

to fight back against the tide of tedium:

1. "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Seriously, tell me. Or someone.

2. Make a space for More. You’re gonna have to carve it out on your own. Determine to think, read, write, and talk about More.

3. Find your personal Enemy. What makes you mad about the world? I’m pissed about babies dying. Who do you want to fight?

And one final thing; you must keep doing it. Don’t stop. Because the bottoms are always out there, beckoning.

If you made it this far, you’re already on the way. You’ve fought against the System of Distraction.

It won’t be easy. It’s designed to be hard.

What I’m saying is, It's really up to you and me, my friend.

The good news? It’s possible. We’re so much better than They think we are.

No but(t)s about it.