Last night I was surrounded by twenty incredible women who gathered together to bring voice and light to the question of what it means to be a woman. We sat and listened to a panel of ladies express their struggles and hardships alongside the triumphs and successes.
This was possible because those who participated knew their voice was going to be heard. These women asked questions and told stories because there were other women in the audience who set aside their lives, looked one another in the eyes and said "I am here."
It was empowering and important.
I want to be a person who empties myself in order to be filled with the life of another person. I want to set aside my judgements and experiences and thoughts so that upon hearing someone else I will first and foremost seek to better understand who they are.
We don't deserve the benefit of the doubt — we simply deserve the benefit.
Most of the time, people don't need a solution. They don't need an opinion. They don't need a hero. They just need a friend.