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Zack Vayda and the Personal Offense

Traffic in Columbus sucks. I know it's not as bad as other places, but mostly having grown up in a state that probably has less total paved roads than Columbus alone, I have a particularly low tolerance for traffic. 

I pulled up behind a stopped car, the last in a long line of vehicles waiting for the red left arrow to turn green. When it finally did, it took the cars waaaaay too long (from my pint of view) to start moving. Once they did, I couldn't take my eyes off the green arrow. "It won't turn yellow on me. The chances are super slim that it would do that specifically when I get to the light." Sure enough, the taunting yellow light appeared, followed too quickly by the rude red. I hit the brakes with my foot and the steering wheel with the palm of my hand simultaneously, letting out an exclamation that shall remain nameless. "Why did it have to turn yellow for me?! It couldn't have waited one more second?"

Well of course it couldn't have waited. It's a light. Lights don't wait.

Why is it that I can take something like that like it's a personal attack? In fact, why is it that people are so surprised and hurt when something negative happens in their life, whether it's some small offense in my case or a much more terrible instance, such as an accident or even a tragedy? It's the classic "I never thought it would happen to me," scenario. We've all seen it and said it.

Is it because as an American we've been privileged enough to have so many things go our way so we can often expect them to continue in that fashion? Is it because of religious influences, suggesting that everything has a purpose? I wonder if people from 3rd world countries have that same outlook on negative circumstances, or if they accept it as part of life.

Maybe there are influences or forces out there that play into events, but I do think it's wise to consider that maybe some things just happen. It's not karma, it's not fate, it Maybe then I wouldn't have to take things so personally all the time.