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What are You Best Known For?

“Best known For…"

Last week, a story about a Corona death caught my eye…and caused some soul searching for me. Maybe it will for you too.

First, here’s the story. Take the time to read it. He was a very interesting man!

Three little words

As much as the story of the man was moving, it was the first sentence that jumped out at me:

“William Helmreich, a prominent sociologist perhaps best known for…”

Best known for. This man lived over 70 years. He accomplished a great deal in his life. Yet, in the end, that life is reduced—clarified—into one single sentence.

Think of it: your life in one sentence. It’s a humbling thought, isn’t it?

I recently lost two people I looked up to

Both in their 90’s, they were leaders in the church my dad was pastor of when I was a teenager. In my timeline project, the chapter for those years is titled, Teenage Wasteland. Both of the men who died were positive influences during those difficult years.

  1. Danny was The Candyman. He would hand out sweets to the children on Sunday morning. He was also a song leader, a funny guy, and the first person in line at every pot luck in the fellowship hall. He was best known for handing out joy.

  2. Dale was just a wonderful man. His laugh was legendary. He made you feel like you and he were in on a private joke. Dale and Joyce, his equally-awesome wife, were responsible for basically starting that wonderful church in the first place. He might be best known for impacting…thousands? Wow.

Two men. Gone. Except for what they’re known for.

You know where this is going, don’t you?

What am I best known for?

If my life were to end soon…what would people remember most about me?

If there had to be just one sentence to sum up my entire life, I wonder what it could be?

I’ve given this some thought the past few days (hey, I’ve got some spare time!) Here are a few options I am trying on for size:

"Mike Vayda, best known for…"

  1. "...starting and growing a small business." No, not good enough for THE headline.

  2. "…being a traveler." Man I love to travel, especially with my wife. But, that doesn’t seem enough for an eternal legacy.

  3. "…his love of the Pittsburgh Steelers.” NOW you’re talking!
    Still…I hope it’s not ALL I’m known for.

  4. "…being a good communicator.” Remembered for what I wrote or said that had a positive impact? Guess I wouldn’t mind that. But how many times does that happen, compared to doing the opposite?

  5. “…putting his wife first." I wish. Not enough proof of that, sadly. Working on it, though.

  6. "…his social entrepreneurship." I’m really proud of my work in India, S. America, S. Africa. But I don’t think there’s enough quantity there. I need to do more if that’s my one sentence.

  7. "...with Heidi, raising children who are committed to improving the world." That wouldn’t be bad. Proud of my kids.

  8. "…his passion for living a life of purpose, and encouraging others to do the same, by word and example."
    That’s probably the one I’d like the most. I like the sound of that.

What I don’t want

I definitely don’t want to be best known for being critical of people. For finding the flaws…and not doing anything to help. For being negative. For focusing on personal comfort…watching too much TV and eating nachos.

And yet…good lord do I spend a lot of time on all of those.

Here’s the thing

In the end, it won’t matter what I’d LIKE to be known for…unless I actually AM KNOWN for it.
What matters is what is true.

Actions always win over intention.

And I can see, I still have a lot of work to do to match my intention.

“Best known for.” What about you?

Recently, a good friend and mentor (who knew me well in that Teenage Wasteland chapter) told me that I was now a man my dad would be proud of. That meant a great deal to me. I think for a lot of us, if we could live in a way to make our parents proud, that might be a good place to start. What do you think?

3 questions for me and for you

Here’s something powerful to do with your spare, quarantined time.

Get a piece of paper and pen, or your laptop, and come up with an answer for these:

  1. What, specifically, do I want to be best known for?

  2. What do I think I am best known for right now?

  3. What, specifically, am I doing to get me closer to the first one?

Here’s the best news I know:

We still have time to work on our One Sentence. Thank God we still have time, huh?