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my biggest fear

I'm getting to the age where I am beginning to have experiences that give me little glimpses into what the world really looks like - the experiences that my parents have done well at shielding me from.

I give people the benefit of the doubt and then I meet with leaders who are selfish and power-hungry. I fall in love with life and then come to find that even though it belongs to us, it can also be stolen from us. I trust that love is at the center of everyone's heart and then hear the sound of hatred ringing in my ears. 

My mind and heart are growing up and I am afraid of growing accustomed to pain and injustice.

This is my biggest fear. 

I don't want to read accounts of trauma or violence and throw it on the heap piling up by my shoes. I don't want to see oppression or inequality at the next door neighbor's and say "it's none of my business." I don't want to hear conversations of abuse and stolen innocence and shake my head at the rumors. 

How am I to avoid this?

 I will let my heart break - over and over. I will hear your story and hurt alongside you. I will ball up my fist as I shake my head in shock at the inhumanity. I will speak truth as you need it and remind you to lift up your eyes. I will empower you in your abilities and fortitude and when you are ready, I will stand with you.