Ending and Beginning

Our family, the Vayda family, was fortunate to be altogether for Christmas in San Diego. Why San Diego? That's where Jake lives!

It was well worth all the planning it took to make this event happen. This may have been the best family vacation yet!

Five mornings we spent learning and discussing who we are and how that impacts us. Although, discovering our strengths, was initiated by Jake, it was definitely a full participation sport. Rejuvenating, eye-opening, hopeful are some of the adjectives I'd use to describe our time together.

What's the takeaway? Choosing to know and love ourselves led to committing to know and love each other. And, we hope, in time, this full participation sport will include more and more team players. That's the, "getting closer to good" part but, it begins with, the commitment to stay connected to each other.

The end of 2017 and our family vacation begins the new year of 2018 and the Vayda family blog.

A new venture together and apart.


HeidiHeidi Vayda