Students are facing a world
changing faster than ever before.
They need help to Make the Best Choices.

  1. School gives them knowledge & many important skills, but there’s no time to teach all the skills needed.

  2. Family provides love and support, but can’t be expected to teach all that’s needed in this new world.

  3. Society is most concerned with marketing to kids, not helping.

  4. NotFar comes alongside teachers & family to help get students closer to good; ready for “what’s next.”

Basecamp: closer to Good

Helping students transition to real, successful, life. 


Teaching Seven Key Skills

  1. Self Leadership

    • Knowing oneself well enough to set and reach useful, healthy goals.

  2. ‘Adulting’

    • Learning how to live independently.

  3. Relationships

    • How to interact with others and build the tribe to be successful.

  4. Digital Leadership

    • How to move from being Consumers and become Critics & Creators in the digital world.

  5. Community

    • Becoming aware of the world and how it works; and change it for Good.

  6. Vocation

    • Discover and develop passions & unique abilities

  7. Communication

    • Teaching students how to discover, develop and deliver the “presentable you.”